Shen Zhen office:
Address:Room 507, Li'An Building,Qian Jin Road,Thirty Area, Bao'an District,Shen Zhen city Guang Dong.
Tel:+86/0755/ 27806507

PCBA Plant: Wangtang Industrial Zone, Shigu Road, Xili Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.
Quick-turn PCB Plant:Yanchuan North Industrial Zone, Songgang Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen
Mass Production PCB Plant: The 1st Industrial Zone, Nan’ao Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen

      Glorypcb is the professional manufacturer featured in Quick-quick PCB and PCBA. Since establishment, keeping abreast of latest development, the continuous technical improvement, and more investment on the equipment provide one-stop service from PCB to PCBA, Quick-turn prototypes to mass production.
      In consideration of clean production,we set up three separate manufacturing plants in ...
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